Thursday, December 31, 2009

Aloe Vera even treats HIV related diseases

Much has been said about the benefits of Aloe Vera herb. The potential of this herb can be gauged by the fact that over 200 worldwide scientific research papers have been published. All these researches highlighted the fact that Aloe Vera is a general tonic which has the properties to boost our immune system. It helps fight illness like ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, cleansing stomach, arthritis, asthma, bladder, kidneys, insomnia, leukemia, stomach distress, tumors, vaginal douche, cancer and constipation to name only a few. This herb also controls even diabetes. Overall this herb contains three properties viz., anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral.

According to Journal of the American Osteopathic Society, 1963, vol.62, through its consumption a gastric juice enzyme called pepsin is released which helps in digestion when our stomach is full. Various random studies suggest while taken orally, Aloe Vera helps tremendously improving in controlling asthma symptoms. Because of its healing properties in 1994, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the intake of Aloe Vera for treating HIV disease. Studies have shown it stimulates the production of white blood cells which in turn fights tumors and viruses. The herb is naturally rich in calcium, zinc, protein, vitamins A, B12 and E. Vitamin C helps in maintaining and toning up of blood vessels and promotes good circulation; it supports our body during stress.

One more research pertaining to aloe vera took place in 1996 at Mahidol University in Bangkok establishing the fact that it helped in decreasing the blood sugar level in around 72 people who had high blood sugar. Studies indicate that when savored as a diet supplement the herb definitively decreases the blood sugar level. Various researchers who researched on its plant have suggested that the herb is beneficial in fighting cancer.

Another research and investigations carried on 5000 people who had heart ailments were relied on 100gm of aloe vera blended with wheat flour during lunch and dinner time for five years. The result showed that people who took this dose daily got great relief from their heart problems.

Various other random studies have also highlighted that taking aloe vera in the form of juice; tablet or capsule can decrease swelling and inflammation in those patients who have arthritic joints. Its juice is also helpful to asthmatic patients who rely on cortico-steroids.

The origin of this herb can be traced back from Africa, now this plant can be found in abundance in southwestern regions of America and Mexico. When it leaves are crushed the herb emanates juice or its gel can be used to heal various diseases. The plant contains 20 valuable amino acids. Did you know even Bible refer to the use of aloe? Even Cleopatra belonging to 68 to 30 B.C. was using this herb for protecting her skin from sun.

Herbal Supplements:
Aloe Verite
ALOE VERA 5000 mg
Aloe Vera

About, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

How cooked fish affects heart-health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

If you love eating fish and want to benefit from its omega-3 fatty acids, read on… According to a research presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2009, it came to light that baked or boiled fish is better than fried or salted. Moreover, on adding tofu or low-sodium soy sauce would also add in more benefits.

According to the lead researcher Lixin Meng, M.S. of the study and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, “By boiling or baking fish with low-sodium soy sauce or shoyu and tofu is beneficial rather than eating fried, salted or dry fish. These methods of preparation of fish may contribute you at risk.” Earlier, various studies had suggested the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, like it reduces the risk of heart disease, but no emphasis was provided for its preparation methods or which source is most valuable.

In this study participants were recruited between 1993 and 1996. They were part of the Multiethnic Cohort who were the residents of Hawaii and Los Angeles country. The group had 82,243 men and 103,884 women of women of African-American, Caucasian, Japanese, Native Hawaiian and Latino descent in the age group of 45 to 75 years old without any history of heart disease. The main purpose of the study was to examine the source, type, amount and frequency of dietary omega-3 intake among gender and ethnic groups.

All in all the men who took about 3.3 grams of fish per day of omega-3 fatty acids had a 23 percent lower risk of cardiac death when compared to those who ate 0.8 grams per day. Meng pointed out that for women; the omega-3 effect was cardio protective at every level of consumption but not always significant. In reality salted and dried fish was a risk factor in women. In comparison, it was revealed that adding less than 1.1 gram a day shoyu and teriyaki sauce was protective for men. But for women shoyu showed a clear contrary relationship to death from heart disease. Ming noted that because of high content of sodium level in shoyu it has the ability to raise blood pressure, so it is beneficial to have low-sodium products in the diet. Eating tofu on the other hand had a cardioprotective effect in all the ethnic groups.

In the study Meng noted that Japanese and Hawaiians people eat fish in plenty when comparing it with whites, blacks and Latinos and they have a somewhat different method of preparing fish. Meng further said that eating omega-3s from shoyu and tofu which contain active ingredients like phytoestrogens could have a stronger cardioprotective effect than easting just omega-3s. Meng concluded further studies may confirm the assumption, but one thing is clear, this study will educate people how much fish could be eaten and how to cook it to prevent heart disease.

Herbal Supplements:

OMEGA-3 1000 mg
Omega Epa Fish Oil 1000 MG
Emulsified Omega-3

About, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Reducing TV time helps adults burn more calories, study finds

According to a new study, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine revealed that overweight people who spend less time before television can help burn calories. The study is published in the December 14/28 issue of Achieves of Internal Medicine one of the JAMA/Achieves Journals. During the course of the study, an electronic lock-out system was engaged in an effort to reduce the time spent before the television to half without changing the calorie intake of those adults who watched television for five hours. The results of the study revealed that during this period more energy was exhausted throughout the three-week study period. The study highlighted on how time spent watching television affects calorie intake, energy used, and time spent on sleeping, and activity in obese and obese adults. Before this study various random studies had focused on modifying diet and physical activities only in an effort to reduce the obesity. But this study has adopted new strategies by inclusion of sedentary behaviors like watching television.

According to Jennifer Otten, PhD, postdoctoral scholar at the Stanford Prevention Research Center and lead author of the study, conducted at the University of Vermont, “reducing the time spent watching television has the potential to improve a person’s activity levels.” On an average, an American adult watch around five hours watching television in a day, the third most time-consuming activity after work and sleep. A good amount of time spent watching the television programs could result in wide array of conditions like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, Otten added.

The study involved 36 adults who weighed above the healthy range; watched the television for five hours daily. After the three observation weeks half of the participants watched 50 percent less television for three weeks, after the last week period, participants answered surveys about their diet. The group who watched 50 percent less television but didn’t reduce the calorie intake burnt 120 more calories as compared to the first group who watched television for five hours at a stretch. Otten informed, “The energy burned is equivalent to walking more than a mile. We don’t know how the short term changes will take into effect, but during longer term study, it could prevent the weight gain”. While Tom Robinson, MD, the Irving Schulman Endowed Professor in Child Health at Stanford’s School of Medicine, who was not involved in the study but has conducted TV studies in children said, “We are aware that as far as children were concerned one of the most valuable ways to prevent weight gain is to reducing time spent before television, so it is great to see the study like this involving adults.” The researchers concluded reducing television viewing ought to be further investigated as a method to reduce and avert obesity in adults.

Herbal Supplements:

Diet and Weight Loss Support
Super Fat Burner W/Garcinia
Fat burners

, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Exercise Therapy Best for Knee Pain, Study Finds

According to a new study published on, patients undergoing severed knee pain can get relief from pain through supervised exercise therapy rather than getting improvement from general care and nutritional supplements containing glucosamine or chondroitin. The pain in knees often relates to a condition called Patellofemoral pain syndrome or runners knee. This pain arises at the front of the knee while pursuing an exercise or after the exercise. This pain could be seen in majority among adolescence women when they participate in sporting activities, during this condition doctors usually advice rest.

This Netherland based study, involved 131 patients in the age group of 14 and 40 years who had Patellofemoral pain syndrome for the last one year. The researcher found that participants who used exercise therapy showed less symptoms as compared to those who relied on rest and avoided strenuous activity. Patellofemoral pain is a widespread knee problem during which pain occurs under and around the kneecap in those patients who sit or stand for long time at one place or participate in strenuous activities.

Researchers point out that through exercise therapy muscles become stronger and flexible and thus reduce pain. In addition to this doctors also recommend icing the knee area for 10 to 20 minutes after each activity. Proper use of footwear also helps in reducing the pain.

There are several reasons behind knee pain. Sometimes when you get up in the morning, you find stiffness in knees while walking. This condition shows that there is some problem with the knees. But the good news is that knee usually responds to the treatment. Some common problems which cause knee pain include: being overweight. Overweight people are under the high risk of getting knee pain, unnecessary weight results in chronic knee pain and premature aging of your knees. This pain could be reduced while losing the weight. Exhaustion is also the reason behind the knee pain. Exercise and regular maintenance of good level of fitness is recommended. One of the home remedies usually advised during knee pain is application of ice at the affected area to minimize the pain. While icing ensure you didn’t have a burning sensation in the knee. Use of knee brace is also recommended to provide relief to the affected area as it provides stability to the affected area. Avoid strenuous activities. But athletes have an elevated risk of getting sudden knee injury like torn ligaments in the center of the knee or other fractures, which may lead to surgery of the affected area. However, in the extreme cases, people who have advanced knee osteoarthritis may require knee replacement surgery. This is however, an optional surgery and is a last resort if all fails. This happens in exceptional cases. The researchers concluded that further research is required in detail about the use of exercise therapy during knee pain.

Herbal Supplements:

Pain Relief
Pain Rescue Warm & Cool

Topricin Pain Cream Pump

, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Drinking coffee, decaf and tea regularly associated with a reduced risk of diabetes

Did you know that by the year 2025, around 380 million persons would have developed Type 2 diabetes? But according to an analysis through a previous study which was reported in the December 14/28 issues of Archives of Internal Medicine, JAMA, it has been revealed that people who drink more coffee or tea would lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Irrespective of various researches going on in this field, there are apprehensions that type 2 diabetes relates to obesity and physical inactivity. Still research is going on to know whether dietary and lifestyle factors are also responsible for Type 2 diabetes. Previous studies have thrown light on the fact that drinking coffee in excess helps reduce the risk of getting this diabetes, but with the current revelation of the analyses the information available has almost doubled.

Rachel Huxley, D.Phil, of The George Institute for International Health, University of Sydney, Australia, and colleagues are closely following the relationship between consuming coffee and its effect on Type 2 diabetes risk. They have identified 18 studies which included 457,922 participants involved in these studies in an effort to know the relationship between coffee consumption and Type 2 diabetes during the years 1966 and 2009.

Out of these six studies 225,516 involved individuals were provided decaffeinated coffee while seven studies had participants who were on tea consumption. After analyzing the data from these studies researcher found that every additional cup of coffee consumed in a day contributed to a 7 percent reduction in the additional risk of diabetes. A simple calculation revealed that people drinking three to four cups of coffee per day had around 25 percent lower risk than those who did not drink or drank two cups per day.

Regarding consumption of decaffeinated coffee, during the study those who drank three to four cups in excess per day contributed a one-third lower risk of diabetes as compared to those who did not drink at all. The authors of the study established that apart from caffeine other compounds or antioxidants found in coffee and tea like lignans or chlorogenic acids also provided the protective cover on getting diabetes.

According to the spokesperson for the European Society of Cardiology, Professor Lars Rydén (Sweden), the diabetes specialist infers the following advice: “This is a carefully researched and conducted study which has clearly established the correlation between the consumption of coffee and decreasing occurrence of diabetes. Above all, if you drink coffee whether decaffeinated or not you have less chance of developing diabetes. All the data compiled and researched has clearly established the fact. Sometimes there are claims that coffee drinking is harmful as it increase the tendency to cardiovascular disease, but there is no evidence around which could established that. The message is clear, drink coffee safely. But as Prof Rydén point out coffee helps, but overweight people should shred their weight by 5 to 10% and include physical activity to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Herbal supplements:

Diabetic Support
Completia Diabetic
Appetite & Weight Control

About, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Anemia increases rrisk of death in the very elderly

A new study which was a part of the Leiden 85-plus study, published in Canadian medical Association Journal (CMAJ) revealed that most of the persons of 85 years+ of age die or have a higher risk of death due to anemia. The study was carried on 562 people of 85 years old in Netherlands, researchers followed them until they achieved the age of 90. The follow up on study showed that 27 percent of participants were suffered with anemia i.e. prevalent anemia at the beginning of the study, while 24% of elderly developed anemia during the course of the study. Most of the elderly suffered anemia due to several factors like depression, hospital admission, and fractures and falls, cognitive impairment, low quality life etc., this problem then leads to increased death rate in the elderly. Ms. Wendy den Elzen of the Leiden University Medical Center and coauthors, while confirming the results of previous studies of people in the Netherlands and North America and said, “There was a clear and strong association between prevalent anemia in the elderly participants aged 85 years and risk of death. We found an even stronger impact on mortality than prevalent anemia at age 85. The authors summed up by saying that the associated functional decline appears to be primarily recognized to comorbid illnesses.

There are several other reasons related to anemia in the elderly like deficiency of iron, Vitamin B12, gastrointestinal bleeding, kidney failure, poor nutrition, folate deficiency, myelodysplastic syndrome etc. Anemic people often feel tired, weak, dizzy or irritable. If not treated early the patient’s heart has to work harder with the result it could lead to serious consequences. In about 30% of cases no reason could be identified for the anemia. Around 40 to 60% geriatric patients in the United States suffer from anemia and large number of deaths occurs due to this condition.

If we look deep into the condition of Anemia it would be revealed that in an anemic person the red blood cells in the blood would be low. Blood is made up of two parts the liquid part is called the plasma while its cellular part contains different cells. One of the vital and numerous cells found in our blood are red blood cells. Their main work is to deliver oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. The red blood cells do their job through specific steps in our body and are made in the bone marrow, thus with the deficiency of various vitamins a person becomes anemic.

Overall 2 to 10% people are anemic, while in other countries the rate is even higher. Did you know that young women are twice likely to get anemic than young men because of their menstrual bleeding. All number of anemias can be avoided by consulting a doctor as and when the problem arises. Elderly should routinely consult a doctor for their blood check up even if they are not anemic.

Herbal Supplements:
IronSorb 18 mg
Iron Tek Glutamine 1000 + 100
Vitamin E Liquid

, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Fatty food can weaken the Immune System

A thesis from Sahlgrenska Academy has discovered fresh evidence when it revealed that fatty food is destructive for our health. Their study was based on mice fed a lard-based diet for a longer period. The results showcased that mice that were fed with lard-based diet derived 60 percent of their calories from fat as against those whose diet had 10 percent. On comparing the results it was revealed that the mice that were fed on high-fat diet got fatter. One thing which surprised the researcher was that the immune system of the high-fat diet was less active. Their white blood cells got worse while dealing with bacteria in the blood. Doctoral student Louise Strandberg who wrote the thesis said "outcome of obesity is associated with inflammation and is not the result of an infection, which shows that immune defences are activated needlessly; ironically, the mice on the high-fat diet seem to have a less active immune system when they really need it." Likewise obese people too are at a greater risk of getting the infection most probably through an operation. The thesis has made it clear that in mice the real culprit is fatty food rather than obesity itself which influence the skill to fight off sepsis initiated by bacteria. Strandberg made it clear by saying that there are all kinds of links between the immune system on the one hand obesity and diet on the other.

Did you know that fat is just a component in food? There are two main groups of fat viz., saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fat is hard in nature and its source is from animals like butter, cheese, whole milk etc., while its ingredients include cakes, pastries, chocolates, biscuits etc. Unsaturated fat is liquid in nature and has vegetable sources. Unsaturated vegetable oils are healthier in nature as compared to saturated fat its example includes soya, olive oil, and sunflower and can be found in cooked food like fish, sardines, pilchards, salmon etc. For attaining good health ensures you eat unsaturated fat.

Fruits and vegetables on the other hand do not contain any fat. But foods like oils, butter, nuts and meats have plenty of fat. Fat is also an essential part of a healthy diet. Various kids and children need it in an effort to develop their brain and nervous system. That is the reason why toddlers are always given whole milk which contains more fat, while older kids take low-fat or skimmed milk. Fat also take fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K around our body. They also play a vital role in strengthening our membrane structure and help protect our internal organs. Various discussions have highlighted on the need for intake of fat in our daily diet. Various random studies indicate that an average woman can take about 70g of total fat a day while for men 95g is sufficient.

Herbal Supplements:
Immune Renew
Immune Defense Tonic
Daily Immune Defense -

About, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Young adults who exercise get higher IQ scores

We all have been listening to the advice conferred by doctors, our parents, teachers and well wishers when they say that regular exercise is essential for the well being of a person. This statement has got a big boost when a new study carried out at Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenstka University hospital revealed that young adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are perfect to study in university. The study’s results have been published in “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The study was carried on 1.2 million Swedish men who were pursuing military service and were born between 1950 and 1976.

The study clearly showed that good physical fitness is important for better results. Michal Nilsson, Professor of Sahlgrenska Academy and Chief Physician revealed that by remaining fit, it becomes clear that a person has good heart and lung capacity and your brain gets plenty of oxygen. The study throws more light on the fitness and not muscular strength is important. The study further elaborated that it is the environmental factors and not genes which showcases link between fitness and higher IQ.

According to the researcher Maria Aberg, those youngsters in the age group of 15 to 18 years who can improve their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 can also increase their cognitive performance. It could be possible because majority of schools have physical education as a subject and would do well in maths and other theoretical subjects as well. Researchers conveyed that link between physical fitness and mental performance has been carried out on children and old people. But the studies on young adults remained contradictory to date. Researchers further said up to the age of twenty our brain has the ability to change and develop rapidly both cognitively and emotionally.

There are a variety of benefits of exercise - It increases mental focus and you can escape from diseases like Alzheimer's and senility, it increases self-esteem, one looks better, more confident and self-disciplined. Exercising regularly decrease the risk of heart attack this must be followed by change in your diet. This entire method if followed properly results in lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure, thus thin chances of having a heart attack. Work out pertaining to weight-bearing exercise diminishes the chance of osteoporosis. Exercising regularly also results in reduction in the risk of Breast Cancer up to 60%. Other benefits include it reduces depression, decreases everyday stress level, boosts strength and stamina. Exercising after day’s work stimulates your mood and you can have also a sound sleep. Before exercising start after a warm-up which will make your muscles and joints more flexible, spend the initial 5 to 10 minutes pursuing light stretching exercising or brisk walking. The results would start showing up within a week’s time and you can spend your life easily away from stress and strain.

Herbal Supplements:

Brain & Memory Tonic
BrainSpeed Memory
Immune Defense Tonic

Please Note: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Consult a qualified health care practitioner before taking any substance for medicinal purposes.

About, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Psychiatric symptoms may predict internet addiction in adolescents

In today’s hectic life people want to achieve anything without putting any efforts. With the coming up of technology new electronic gadgets are being launched almost every other day. People have become addicted to internet and mobile gadgets so much so that they have started sabotaging their social life. This all has resulted in a chaos among youngsters. They all want to copy and compete with their colleagues in buying new gadgets whether they could afford it or not. If they are unable to compete with their colleagues, they become hostile and depressed; they don’t pay attention to their family and social responsibility. Other causes of their unrest could be due to the burden of studies and achieving high laurels in their intellectual studies. According to a report published in the October issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals, youngsters with psychiatric symptoms like hostility, depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), social phobia are likely to become internet addicted.

No doubt internet today has become one of the big resources for youngsters, but addiction to it has started showing an adverse effect on their school and college performance, family relationships and their emotional state. According to the authors of the study this fact has been described as internet addiction or problematic internet use and has categorized as a possible behavior addiction.
Prior to this study there were reports which had revealed that 1.4 percent to 17.9 percent of adolescents are addicted to the internet in Western and Eastern societies. Various researchers had suggested adding internet and gaming addiction to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It was then decided to put these risk factors for clinical significance and find out ways and means of its prevention and early intervention.

During the course of the study with a two year of follow-up Chih-Hung Ko, M.D., of Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital and Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, and colleagues examined 2,293 seventh-graders (1,179 boys and 1,114 girls) from ten junior high schools in southern Taiwan, through a questionnaire. The main reason was to find out the association between psychiatric symptoms such as ADHD, social phobia and hostility and Internet addiction.

The results of the study highlighted that no doubt depression, ADHD, social phobia and hostility were found to be the main cause for occurrence of Internet addiction while depression and social phobia were also the reason behind Internet addiction among only female adolescents. In addition it was found that hostility and ADHD were also being the culprits behind internet addiction.

The authors concluded that efforts should be made to control these flaws of hostility, depression, ADHD and social phobia and intervention should be carried out to prevent internet addiction in youngsters.

Herbal Supplements:

Attentive child
Mental Alertness
Mental Edge

Please Note: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Consult a qualified health care practitioner before taking any substance for medicinal purposes.

About, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Stomach ulcer bug causes bad breath

There are 600 different species of bacteria which could be found in our mouth. A recent study carried out by Fukuoka Dental College in Fukuoka, Japan has revealed that bacteria that causes stomach ulcers and cancer could also be the culprit behind emanating bad breath. Scientists for the first time have found that Helicobacter Pylori is responsible in causing stomach ulcers and large amount of gastric cancers.

According to scientists around 20 to 80% of people in the developed world and over 90% of people in developing world carry this bacterium. Dr. Nao Suzuki said that only recently scientists discovered that Hi Pylori exists in mouth too. So, we wanted to determine whether this bacterium could be behind bad breath. To confirm this, a research was carried out on patients who complained of halitosis for the presence of Hi Pylori. During the course of the study on 326 Japanese people with halitosis the bacteria was found in the mouths of only 21 people. It was found that all these persons had a high concentration of bad breath gas and the level of oral disease was drastically higher. Researchers also found that in patients who have gum disease (periodontal), of the 102 people, 16 were found to have pylori in their mouths.

Dr. Suzuki also disclosed that Halitosis is a common problem in humans and bad breath occurs due to periodonitis, poor hygiene, tongue debris and badly fitted fillings. All gastrointestinal diseases generally cause halitosis. Dr. Suzuki further informed that merely presence of H. Pylori in the mouth is not responsible or directly associated with bad breath but is associated with periodontal disease which causes bad breath. Dr. Suzuki disclosed further research would be carried out in an attempt to know the relationship between H Pylori in the mouth and stomach.

There are several reasons behind the cause of bad breath, one of the main reasons being oral bacteria. There are several conditions which promote the growth of oral bacteria like improper cleaning or not able to clean the area where oral bacteria reside. There are certain foods available which causes bad breath viz., onion, garlic. As we bite some food emanates unpleasant odor causing bad breath. Common bad breath can be controlled by avoiding or minimizing the consumption of certain foods. Persons who smoke also emanate bad breath. This is also called "smokers breath".

Bad breath could be controlled by way of flossing and brushing. A good mouthwash along with soft-bristled toothbrushes could be employed to control bad breath. You must ensure that by exercising this method your bad breath should be eliminated otherwise a long treatment would have to be adopted to remove bad breath. If you are unable to treat your bad breath ask your doctor which treatment would suit you. Control your bad breath before it could ruin your health or social life.

Herbal Supplements:

About, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Please Note: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Consult a qualified health care practitioner before taking any substance for medicinal purposes.

Bad news for coffee drinkers who get headaches

A recent study by Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) published in the Journal of Headache pain has disclosed that people who take higher amount of caffeine every day are more liable to suffer from occasional headaches than those who do not take it. During the course of the study 50,483 people from a cross section answered a questionnaire pertaining to caffeine consumption and headache occurrence as a part of the Nord-Tr0ndelag Health Survey (HUNT 2). The country wide health survey was conducted in 1995-1997 on an extensive range of health topics. The researcher found that the frequency of non-migraine headache was 18 percent more likely in individuals with high caffeine consumption (500 mg a day or more) than those who took caffeine at 125 mg a day.

To drink or not to drink
A majority of people, particularly adults, all over the world depend largely on caffeine. To date it is the most frequently consumed stimulant. Much has been said about the pros and cons of the caffeine but in short, its role is to make a person alert because it works on the central nervous system. It has the capability of increasing our blood pressure and it could be addictive too, though it has not been classified as a drug. It can assist in reducing and relieving the headaches. But researchers all over the world have not illustrated that during headaches whether we should drink more or less coffee. But various random studies have highlighted that taking caffeine in large quantity can stimulate headaches and migraines, while various other studies are mum on such relationship. A majority of persons are unaware about the caffeine content in their favorite beverages, but various subjective sources suggest that savoring more than 500 to 600 milligrams of caffeine in a day is harmful and could increase headaches. World Health Organization has put migraine at number 19th position in all causes of disability through a measure called "years lived with disability".

But there are exceptions. Take for example the case of Scandinavia, as the people here are heavy coffee drinkers and consume about 400 mg of caffeine per day. This average consumption is roughly twice the average caffeine consumed in other European countries and in the US i.e. four cups of brewed coffee per day. But migraine cases could not be established as higher because it is possible that the caffeine content could vary.

One of the researchers wrote that, it can't be said that all caffeine products causes headaches, as the study was cross-sectional, but people who suffer from headaches should control their caffeine use because it could be the reason behind headaches. Did you know beverages like chocolate milk, hot chocolate; cola and sodas; coffee, tea and foods like raisins, peanuts, chocolate covered graham crackers, cake all contain caffeine?

Herbal Supplements:

About, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Please Note: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Consult a qualified health care practitioner before taking any substance for medicinal purposes.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Difficult-to-treat asthma' may be due to difficult-to-treat patients
Researchers in Northern Ireland have revealed that patients who avoid taking their medication as prescribed may fall in the category of “Difficult-to-treat-asthma”. Dr. Liam Heaney, principal investigator of Belfast City Hospital informed in the study that “significant proportion of patients with difficult asthma is poorly adherent to inhale and oral corticosteroid therapy". The results of the study were published in the November 1 issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, an official publication of the American Thoracic Society. The study was carried on almost 200 patients. They were referred to a tertiary referral clinic which specializes in curing difficult asthma.

According to a report issued at the Fourth Triennial World Asthma meeting in Bangkok, it was revealed that approximately 300 million people worldwide are suffering from asthma and are responsible for one in every 250 deaths globally. According to Asthma and Allergy foundation of America an estimated 20 million Americans suffer from asthma (1 in 15 Americans) and 50% of asthma cases are “allergic-asthma.” Almost 40,000 people in US miss school or work every day due to asthma. Approximately 11 people die of asthma everyday in US. Asthma is a controllable but not curable disease.

Asthma occurs due to the inflammation of the air passages which results in the short-term narrowing of the airways that carry air from the nose and mouth to the lungs. Its symptoms are triggered by allergens or irritant which are inhaled into the lungs resulting in inflamed, clogged and constricted airways. The symptoms of asthma include difficulty in breathing, coughing tightness in the chest. When not controlled properly it can result deadly.
On what causes asthma, Professor Duncan Geddes of Asthma UK has informed in one of his lectures that women who smoke during pregnancy are much more likely to have asthmatic children. Moreover, it could also occur due to poor ventilation, damp housing, and illness during childhood. Presence of more carpets and dust in the house or offices could also be the reasons for asthma attack. Microscopically small particles emanating from coal burning, mining, diesel engines, construction and quarrying are also responsible for spreading asthma. Irritants in the air such as dirt, cigarette smoke, gases, and odors’ are all responsible for its spreading.

Asthma is commonly divided into two types: allergic (extrinsic) asthma and non-allergic (intrinsic) asthma. People can do different things to control their asthma and minimize their impact on their activities. Almost each case of asthma is different and is treated according to the necessity of the case.

Treatment of asthma consists of two main aspects - environmental control and medication. By environmental control it means simply keeping away from factors - like tobacco smoke or allergens - likely to trigger an attack. Medication is the basis of asthma therapy. There are two groups of asthma medications: Long term controllers and quick relievers. Long term control medications help you keep control of your asthma.

Herbal supplements related to asthma include: Asthma Aid , Asthma Free , Asthmaclear, ASTHMA etc. You can purchase these supplements online through ., is the world's most comprehensive website on Herbal Supplements and health care. At HerbsPro® you can be sure of the potency and purity of the herbal products. We educate and guide people around the world in creating a healthier lifestyle through our online Health food store.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Repeatedly going to work when ill significantly boosts the chances of having to take long term sick leave later on, reveals a research

Workaholics may beware. A recent research published ahead of print in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health has revealed that people who are ill and repeatedly carry on their work can significantly enhance their chances of taking long term leave later on.
This phenomenon of doing work during illness is known as “sickness presence”. Before the research little is known about its long term impact on the behavior of the persons involved, but the study has opened the Pandora box. During the study, researchers randomly selected 12,000 Danes of working age, who were doing the job continuously for one year. They were asked to answer questions relating to their attitude to work, understanding to be absent when ill and general well being. They were also encouraged to reveal how many times they joined their work during illness, when they should have been resting at home. Their response was matched up with the official records which showed the periods in which sick leave for a period lasting at least a fortnight for the next 18 months.

The research focused on the causes of illness during which the leave was applied but the incumbent was present in the office despite their sickness: a heavy workload, poor general health, work-family life conflicts, obesity, holding a senior level post, a good level of social support.

Those incumbents who turn up to office despite their illness at least half a dozen times were 53% more likely end up taking sickness leave for two more weeks, and 74% more likely to take more than two months leave, as against those workers who did not come to the office during illness. Authors conclude by saying that during short period breaks workers could cope better with stresses of a hectic task and all in all the employment is good for health. But they warned that long term sick leave is associated with problems finding work. Another research which was printed ahead of printing the same Journal revealed that taking a week or more of sick leave for mental health problem drastically increases the chances of early death. In the study researchers considered sick leave records from the French GAZEL study which involved 20,000 employees in the age group of 37 to 51.

Causes of Illness
According to traditional Chinese medicine the causes of illness can be determined by way of a number of factors. The external factors responsible for illness relate to: cold, heat, wind, dryness, summer heat and dampness. While internal cause of illness could be due to emotions like anger, sadness, worry, fear, pensiveness and shock. Other factors include diet, lifestyle and accidents etc.

Herbal Supplements:

About, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Drink alcohol every day and you drop the risk of coronary heart disease says a study

Here is good news for people who drink alcohol every day. According to a long-term study published in Heart, a journal of the British Medical Association (BMA) among Spanish men has revealed that men who drink alcohol constantly nearly every day perceive a nearly one-third average drop in the risk of coronary heart disease.

The research continued for a decade on 41,000 men and women in the age group 29 and 69 in an effort to eye on their health and lifestyle as part of a European probe into cancer. 609 cases of heart attacks and other “coronary events” came to the light during the course of study of which 481 were men and 128 among women. Those men who drank very high levels of alcohol had a lower risk of coronary heart disease in comparison to non-drinkers.
The data collected from the study revealed that people who were categorized as former drinkers had a risk of 10 percent lower, people who drank 0.5 grams of alcohol every day the risk was 35 percent; those who drank moderately about five-30 grams every day, the risk was 54 percent lower; those who took 30 to 90 grams every day and very high drinkers who took more than 90 grams every day it was bisect.

In a nut shell, a 285ml glass of heavy beer which contains 4.9 percent of alcohol amounts to 11 grams; whereas a 180ml glass of wine with 12 percent alcohol contain 17.06 grams. The study focused on the conditions in Span which is the third largest producer of beer and holds the sixth highest per capita consumption of alcohol has one of the lowest death rates from coronary heart disease in the world.

The Journal also pointed on many other risks of alcohol abuse pertaining to premature death and disability. The paper also highlighted a figure from World Health Organization (WHO) data that out of two billion people on Earth 6.7 billion drink alcohol frequently and over 76 million have an ill health.

Did you know in United States heart disease is the major cause of disability and it is the number one killer. Heart diseases can be found in many forms like due to narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries or blood vessels which supply blood to the heart itself. Coronary artery disease happens slowly over time and is the major cause of heart attacks in people.
Other types of heart problems may pertain to the problem in the valves of heart or the pumping of the heart irregularly. Unfortunately some people are born with heart diseases. There are varieties of measure with which you can lower the risk of heart disease like by controlling the blood pressure, lowering your cholesterol, getting enough exercise and quitting smoking.

Herbal Supplements:

About, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Obesity causes 100,000 US cancers every year: study

The American Institute for Cancer Research has recently reported that in US obesity causes more than 100,000 incidents of cancer. Scientists for a long time had a vague opinion that there is a link between obesity and certain types of cancer, but this study is the first in series which made it clear that there is a link between obesity and certain types of cancer. Still the accurate cause or link is not known, but there are indications that suggest that fat tissue may produce heightened levels of sex hormones which spur cancer growth. Government backed Centers for Disease Control has reported that 34 percent of American adults aged 20 and over are obese. According to Laurence Kolonel of the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii "It's clearer than ever that obesity's impact is felt before, during and after cancer, it increases risk, makes treatment more difficult and shortens survival”.

It is a fact that obesity develops gradually and there are several reasons behind it like poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. It does not just happen overnight. Overconsumption is the root cause of the problem, eating large calories and fast-food items along with higher soft drink consumption in place of fruits and vegetables could be the leading cause of obesity. Did you know that alcohol is also full of calories and heavy drinkers are often obese? Bad eating habits like eating while watching television programs, lack of physical activities, computer games, surfing the net for longer hours while sitting at one place are some of the reasons for becoming obese in the long run. While Drugs like Insulin, Oral contraceptive pills, Group, Steroids also helps in gaining weight.

How to control obesity?
Regular and controlled exercise helps in checking obesity and pursuing 20 to 60 minutes of aerobic activity or walking three to five days a week, swimming, cycling, aerobics, activities like washing, climbing stairs, jogging can help control the obesity. Correcting behaviours’ like overindulgence in food and alcohol also helps in controlling this habit. You can’t lose weight even if you are engaging in physical activities unless you reduce the intake of fat items in your diet. If a person is under depression it is suggested to control it as well because of which a person tends to eat more get obese. Did you know, when we decrease the intake of calorie everyday we loose about 1 pound a week?

If you are reluctant to reduce your weight it is advised that eat less and exercise more. In the absence of this equilibrium you tend to weight loss in excess or gain weight in excess.

Herbal Supplements for obesity: the online herbal supplements and health care portal is one of the best herbal supplement suppliers, offering pure herbal products through their online store. offers nationally branded products that are produced according to pharmaceutical grade manufacturing standards at everyday low prices.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dealing with Dry Eye Syndrome

Sometimes we all feel stinging, burning sensation in eyes and at times we feel irritated with dryness in eyes. There are situations when there is a feeling of discomfort to those people who uses contact lenses. There are circumstances when there is a feeling of discomfort on wearing contact lenses. Sometimes, our eyelid sticks together on waking up in the morning. All these situations result in pain in the eyes and our eyesight deteriorates.

These are the cases relating to dry eye syndrome or Keratonconjunctivities (KCS), sicca syndrome or simply dry eyes. With dryness in the eyes, patients’ eyes dry out and become inflamed. It is a fact that our eyes produce tears or fluid all the time, not just when we cry or yawn. Production of tears in the eye is a symptom of healthy eyes. As we age, we produce fewer liquid or tears. In several countries dry eye syndrome could be due to deficiency of Vitamin A and this syndrome is common. Around 200,000 Americans have dry eye condition and people over the age of 65 and above are most vulnerable to get this condition. No doubt these could be very rare cases, but dryness could be very painful and in some conditions require surgical treatment.

Medilexicon Medical Dictionary describes that Keratoconjunctivities sicca is “keratoconjunctivities associated with decrease tears”. Tears preserve the surface of our eyeballs hygienic and moist, and help guard our eyes from damage, without which we can’t see properly. Tear consist of three layers oil, water and mucus. If any of these layers act abnormally, an individual may develop dry eye symptom. Our tears also include natural antibiotics dubbed lysozymes. They assist in keeping the surface of the eye clean and healthy by fighting off bacteria and viruses.

Did you know that we all blink around five times a minute? On developing a problem with eyelids, the blinking may be affected. There are several reasons behind dryness in the air viz., sun, wind, dry climate, hot blowing air, acute dry air, working on computer monitor for longer hours may slow down the blinking rate of our eye. Driving a vehicle or reading for longer hours may reduce our blinking rate.

In an effort to diagnose the dry eye syndrome a Rose Bengal test is undertaken in which a Royal Bengal, a liquid stain or dye is dropped onto the surface of the eyes. If the diagnosis is not clear the patient is referred to an ophthalmologist. Still a research trial is under way in Louisville for people suffering with Dry Eye Syndrome.

Herbal Supplements for dry eyes:

Please Note: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Consult a qualified health care practitioner before taking any substance for medicinal purposes.

About, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

New evidence suggests that dark chocolate helps ease emotional stress

A new research published online recently in the new Journal of Proteome Research has indicated that eating around an ounce and a half of dark chocolate a day for two weeks can considerably reduce the stress level in an individual. The study established that with the help of cocoa plant those stress-related biochemical imbalances can be controlled. Researchers further established that apart from antioxidants other beneficial substances in dark chocolate have the potential in reducing the risk factors for heart disease and other physical ailments. Till now there was little evidence to show that chocolates have the capability in stress-bust effects.

Everyone goes through stress in their daily life in one way or other but a majority of them suffer from emotional stress. There are several reasons for emotional stress like unhappy relationships or family issues like divorce, unfulfilled desires, and workplace stress like the feeling of underpaid or overworked, health problems like suffering from critical disease etc. Unexpected happening in one’s life can also lead to undue strain on his/her nervous system. This unwanted stress puts a burden on the feelings of a person thus creating serious medical problems like memory loss, lack of concentration, fatigue, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders etc. These feelings lead to emotional stress. Did you know that our nervous system controls all our actions like our immune responses, blood pressure, physiological functions etc., if not controlled in time stress can be life threatening. Persons with inefficient immune system are also prone to emotional stress as well as colds and flu.

In an effort to know the connection between personality and heart diseases, one of the researchers Friedman, analyzed the personalities of various heart patients and came to the conclusion that all of them showed a set of characteristics like:

  • Poorly defined goals but have high ambition;
  • Great inclination and eagerness to compete;
  • An acute desire for recognition and advancement;
  • Work quickly than needed both physically and mentally and
    Constant mental and physical alertness

Stress at work is also one of the major causes, through which people develop heart problems. In an effort to deal with emotional stress an individual can indulge in regular exercise, proper diet, and good recreation, positive mental and physical work. Apart from above here are some tips and tricks to keep your stress at bay:

  • Deep breathing will not only relax your body but gives you time to think properly.
  • Think about how you can adjust to each change that is causing you stress.
  • Identify the points as to where your body stores tension.
  • Exercise helps nourishes your mind and body.
  • Learn a relaxing Yoga move
  • Spend time with your loved ones

Herbal Supplements:

Please Note: Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Consult a qualified health care practitioner before taking any substance for medicinal purposes.

About, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How to deal with Type-2 diabetes?

A new study by the University of Florida has revealed that regularly performing Tai Chi exercise, an ancient martial art, which combines deep breathing and gentle movement, can help diabetic people lower their blood glucose levels. Tai Chi is easy to perform and is less stressful.

The study suggested that all those adults who were diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes who participated in a Tai Chi program for two days a week with three days of practice at home for six months, drastically cut down their fasting glucose levels. The outcome of the results was very satisfying. It was observed during the course of study the quality of life along with their mental health, vitality and energy improved a lot.

Around 23.6 million adults and children or 7.8 percent population of US is diagnosed with diabetes. It may not be out of place to mention that diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in the US.

In this scenario, Type-2 diabetes accounts for 90 to 95 percent of all cases. The disease strikes when the body stops producing insulin, a hormone that is required to convert sugar, starches and other food required into energy needed for daily life. People with sedentary lifestyle, high blood-pressure, cholesterol, obesity, a history of gestational diabetes etc., are at higher risk.

Symptoms of Type-2 diabetes
Type-2 diabetes is a silent killer. In its formative years this disease starts damaging the body without revealing any clear symptoms. Studies have shown that one out of three adults who has Type-2 diabetes is unaware about its symptoms. In its early stages these symptoms look harmless, later on they become fatal. But with a simple test of diabetes i.e. blood sugar test the disease can be identified. Type-2 diabetes symptoms include:-

• Increased hunger and thirst
• Considerable weight loss
• Unexplained fatigue
• Blurry vision
• Frequent urination
• Tingling in hands and feet etc.

How you can control Type-2 diabetes

• Eat healthy balanced diet, which is high in fiber and does not contain fat. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables.
• If you are overweight lose weight.
• Include some physical activity
• A brisk walk of at least 30 minutes is recommended. Also some activity apart from walking like: cycling, jogging, dancing and swimming is recommended.

There are various drugs available to control blood glucose level (consult your doctor before taking any pills). Blood Sugar can also be maintained at healthy levels with the help of herbal supplements. is an online portal carrying a wide range of vitamins and herbal supplements from all the popular brands. Check out for “what’s new” and also for latest information on various supplements and health facts. All these supplements can be purchased online from the comfort of your home or office. Following supplements have been proven to be highly effective in maintaining good blood sugar levels.

Diabetic Support
Diabetic Support – Liquid Health
Alpha Betic for people with Diabetes

Click here for information on more branded products.
With proper diagnosis along with proper treatment, exercise and diet, you are definitely on your way to controlling blood sugar levels. Don’t forget to browse and bookmark the herbal and natural products from

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Swine flu has herbal remedies

The mere word of Swine flu sends shivers to a man in the street. Before the inception of this disease, people were almost alien to this deadly disease. Also known as H1N1, influenza virus of “A” type category or swine influenza, Swine flu actually ¬is a respiratory infection. It is an amalgamation of bird flu and a human flu. There is a wrong notion among people who believe that swine flu is caused by eating pork. No doubt this type of virus is prevalent in domestic pigs, but of late, this deadly disease has now spread like a wildfire all over the world. Various studies have revealed that a majority of people who have been diagnosed with this disease have not had any contact with the pigs. The main reason for its prevalence all over the world is due to the infected people, who usually carried the virus with them and infected those they came across in their day to day life. It is hard to determine whether a person is infected by Swine flu because its features are akin to those of influenza like fever, sore throat, chills, cough, headache and weakness. Some people however, experience diarrhoea, vomiting and nausea. In case such symptoms prevail; it is a good idea to consult your doctor for further diagnosis. It is a well known fact that stress also deteriorates a person’s immune system.

Because of its surprise spread all over the world within no time, this contagious disease caught humans unaware, with the result there is no preventative drug available, which could help control the disease. The only drug which is combating Swine flu is Tamiflu. Its effect also varies from person to person. Swine flu mostly affects people young and old who have a weak immune system. The virus actually originated in Mexico and later spread to various parts of the world. In the absence of an effective remedy, Swine flu is a major concern to governments and people all over the world.

Nevertheless, where conventional medicine fails, people switch over to the oldest system of medicine viz., herbal and natural supplements, to keep the deadly diseases at bay, as these medicines provide a ray of hope to them. A majority of people are unaware that there are various herbal supplements available which can combat Swine flu. Products like “Immune Defense Tonic”, Daily Immune Defense, Nk-3 Immune with Selenium , Combo Herb Extract Immune Support are some of the herbal products which help in supporting the healthy function of the immune system. These products are made from a variety of natural herbs like Echinacea root, leaf & flower, Wild indigo root, Thuja leaf, Boneset leaf & flower, Prickly ash bark, extract of olive leaf etc. to name only a few of the ingredients. All these products can be purchased online from the comfort of your home from the leading supplier of nationally branded products ensures that these products are produced in accordance with the pharmaceutical grade manufacturing standards so customers can expect highest quality at affordable prices.

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