Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ergonomists find kids too are at risk from repetitive strain injuries

Pain-Free Computers for Kids

Since our childhood we have been told by our parents to sit straight while eating and studying because poor body postures could lead to health problems. Likewise, with the coming up of computers and associating ourselves with keyboards, mouse and screen all the time has put various adults and teens life in danger because of their awkward sitting postures. A survey carried out on some 500 children has established that like adults teens are also contracting neck and back pains due to incorrect sitting posture while handling computer.

Now a day’s teenagers are spending a good of their time before the computers, thus putting all the strains on their bodies. A majority of today’s tech-savvy teens were operating their computer when they were at pre-K! Thus now-a-days the same youths are paying their price with bad health symptoms like eye strain, pain in fingers and neck cramps. According to Robin Mary Gillespie, if kids show the symptoms like that of adults while surfing the web for a longer period of time this could be the sign of disability.

The survey carried on 500 children in the age group of 12 to 18 who were the regular users of computers came across the symptoms of neck and shoulder pain. Most of the pain arising out of using computer mouse could be avoided by holding closely to the body. By using monitors also children are prone to neck problems. It is thus a good idea to lower the monitor so that the neck could be straight. According to Gillespie, laptop users should make use of external keyboard and mouse to control the distance between monitor screen and keyboard. Gillespie concluded by saying that finally we looked as to how the bending of hands leads to various problems like carpal tunnel syndrome. In an effort to protect oneself from getting injury it is suggested to type with your hands as flat as possible taking rest in between.

This study was the result of kids having started developing eye strain, neck stiffness and carpal tunnel after using computers on a regular basis, just like the office workers. Of all these injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome is most common and affects wrist and hands of a computer user. Its symptoms include numbness in the hands and fingers, loss of strength and coordination in a user’s hands. Various back injuries are also the result of bad sitting postures.

In an effort to reduce these injuries it is suggested to raise or lower chairs to refrain from typing with your wrists. Place the keyboard at a slightly lower level from the normal desk height. Use a footrest to give relief to your legs. Ensure your elbows should form a 90 degree angle while hanging at the sides. Avoid glare from the computer monitor and take frequent breaks from your work.

Herbal Supplements:

Vitamin D 400 Units
Calcium 1000 w/Vit D
Vitamin D

About HerbsPro.com
Herbspro.com, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. Herbspro.com takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Three out of Four American women have disordered eating, survey suggests

According to a new survey undertaken by Self Magazine in association with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and carried on 4,023 women, it was found that 65 percent of American women in the age group of 25 to 45 have disorder relating to eating behaviors. Other 10 percent women were found having symptoms related to anorexia, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. According to Cynthia R. Bulik, Ph.D., William and Jeanne Jordan Professor of Eating Disorders in the UNC School of Medicine’s department of psychiatry and director of the UNC Eating Disorders Program, “we were surprised to find in our survey high number of women engaging themselves in unhealthy purging activities. These women do not belong to only one group but they belonged to different ethnic backgrounds like Hispanic or Latina, black or African American, white and Asian who were reported to engage in unhealthy eating behaviors. It was proved in the survey that 31 percent of women agreed to the fact that after gaining substantial weight, they attempted to lose their weight by having laxatives, diuretics or diet pills”. Bulik added, about 50 percent of the women in survey found to be engaged in purging activities at least once in a week and other women did so every day.

The survey found 67 percent women try to lose their weight in some way or the other method, 37 percent skip their meals in an effort to lose weight, 27 percent women feel unhappy if they find they have gained the weight, 26 percent women cut out the entire food groups from their diet, around 16 percent women dieted on 1,000 calories a day or fewer, 13 percent women smoke in an endeavor to lose weight and 12 percent women eat when they are not hungry. Bulik said activities like eliminating carbohydrates, extreme dieting and skipping meals are related to disordered eating habits.

As far as Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is concerned various individuals who have this condition eat excessive amounts due to two reasons: firstly those individuals who have been on dieting for some time start eating abruptly after feeling hungry. Secondly sometimes individuals over-eat so as to give comfort to them. Binge in fact could be described as an attempt where persons soothe themselves emotionally. People who engage in binge-eating are often embarrassed and ashamed and are heavier people than their counterparts. Symptoms related to binge eating disorder include eating quickly and in secrecy, unable to stop eating, eating large amount of food in one sitting, feeling uncomfortable after eating, feeling of guiltiness of their binges. Often people who binge eats are obese people and one in five obese people engage in this habit.

Herbal Supplements
Accelerade Hydro
Weight Loss Formula

Alpha-Fiber Weight Loss Fiber

About HerbsPro.com
Herbspro.com, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. Herbspro.com takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Aloe Vera even treats HIV related diseases

Much has been said about the benefits of Aloe Vera herb. The potential of this herb can be gauged by the fact that over 200 worldwide scientific research papers have been published. All these researches highlighted the fact that Aloe Vera is a general tonic which has the properties to boost our immune system. It helps fight illness like ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, cleansing stomach, arthritis, asthma, bladder, kidneys, insomnia, leukemia, stomach distress, tumors, vaginal douche, cancer and constipation to name only a few. This herb also controls even diabetes. Overall this herb contains three properties viz., anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral.

According to Journal of the American Osteopathic Society, 1963, vol.62, through its consumption a gastric juice enzyme called pepsin is released which helps in digestion when our stomach is full. Various random studies suggest while taken orally, Aloe Vera helps tremendously improving in controlling asthma symptoms. Because of its healing properties in 1994, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the intake of Aloe Vera for treating HIV disease. Studies have shown it stimulates the production of white blood cells which in turn fights tumors and viruses. The herb is naturally rich in calcium, zinc, protein, vitamins A, B12 and E. Vitamin C helps in maintaining and toning up of blood vessels and promotes good circulation; it supports our body during stress.

One more research pertaining to aloe vera took place in 1996 at Mahidol University in Bangkok establishing the fact that it helped in decreasing the blood sugar level in around 72 people who had high blood sugar. Studies indicate that when savored as a diet supplement the herb definitively decreases the blood sugar level. Various researchers who researched on its plant have suggested that the herb is beneficial in fighting cancer.

Another research and investigations carried on 5000 people who had heart ailments were relied on 100gm of aloe vera blended with wheat flour during lunch and dinner time for five years. The result showed that people who took this dose daily got great relief from their heart problems.

Various other random studies have also highlighted that taking aloe vera in the form of juice; tablet or capsule can decrease swelling and inflammation in those patients who have arthritic joints. Its juice is also helpful to asthmatic patients who rely on cortico-steroids.

The origin of this herb can be traced back from Africa, now this plant can be found in abundance in southwestern regions of America and Mexico. When it leaves are crushed the herb emanates juice or its gel can be used to heal various diseases. The plant contains 20 valuable amino acids. Did you know even Bible refer to the use of aloe? Even Cleopatra belonging to 68 to 30 B.C. was using this herb for protecting her skin from sun.

Herbal Supplements:
Aloe Verite
ALOE VERA 5000 mg
Aloe Vera

About HerbsPro.com
Herbspro.com, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. Herbspro.com takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

How cooked fish affects heart-health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

If you love eating fish and want to benefit from its omega-3 fatty acids, read on… According to a research presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2009, it came to light that baked or boiled fish is better than fried or salted. Moreover, on adding tofu or low-sodium soy sauce would also add in more benefits.

According to the lead researcher Lixin Meng, M.S. of the study and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, “By boiling or baking fish with low-sodium soy sauce or shoyu and tofu is beneficial rather than eating fried, salted or dry fish. These methods of preparation of fish may contribute you at risk.” Earlier, various studies had suggested the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, like it reduces the risk of heart disease, but no emphasis was provided for its preparation methods or which source is most valuable.

In this study participants were recruited between 1993 and 1996. They were part of the Multiethnic Cohort who were the residents of Hawaii and Los Angeles country. The group had 82,243 men and 103,884 women of women of African-American, Caucasian, Japanese, Native Hawaiian and Latino descent in the age group of 45 to 75 years old without any history of heart disease. The main purpose of the study was to examine the source, type, amount and frequency of dietary omega-3 intake among gender and ethnic groups.

All in all the men who took about 3.3 grams of fish per day of omega-3 fatty acids had a 23 percent lower risk of cardiac death when compared to those who ate 0.8 grams per day. Meng pointed out that for women; the omega-3 effect was cardio protective at every level of consumption but not always significant. In reality salted and dried fish was a risk factor in women. In comparison, it was revealed that adding less than 1.1 gram a day shoyu and teriyaki sauce was protective for men. But for women shoyu showed a clear contrary relationship to death from heart disease. Ming noted that because of high content of sodium level in shoyu it has the ability to raise blood pressure, so it is beneficial to have low-sodium products in the diet. Eating tofu on the other hand had a cardioprotective effect in all the ethnic groups.

In the study Meng noted that Japanese and Hawaiians people eat fish in plenty when comparing it with whites, blacks and Latinos and they have a somewhat different method of preparing fish. Meng further said that eating omega-3s from shoyu and tofu which contain active ingredients like phytoestrogens could have a stronger cardioprotective effect than easting just omega-3s. Meng concluded further studies may confirm the assumption, but one thing is clear, this study will educate people how much fish could be eaten and how to cook it to prevent heart disease.

Herbal Supplements:

OMEGA-3 1000 mg
Omega Epa Fish Oil 1000 MG
Emulsified Omega-3

About HerbsPro.com
Herbspro.com, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. Herbspro.com takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Reducing TV time helps adults burn more calories, study finds

According to a new study, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine revealed that overweight people who spend less time before television can help burn calories. The study is published in the December 14/28 issue of Achieves of Internal Medicine one of the JAMA/Achieves Journals. During the course of the study, an electronic lock-out system was engaged in an effort to reduce the time spent before the television to half without changing the calorie intake of those adults who watched television for five hours. The results of the study revealed that during this period more energy was exhausted throughout the three-week study period. The study highlighted on how time spent watching television affects calorie intake, energy used, and time spent on sleeping, and activity in obese and obese adults. Before this study various random studies had focused on modifying diet and physical activities only in an effort to reduce the obesity. But this study has adopted new strategies by inclusion of sedentary behaviors like watching television.

According to Jennifer Otten, PhD, postdoctoral scholar at the Stanford Prevention Research Center and lead author of the study, conducted at the University of Vermont, “reducing the time spent watching television has the potential to improve a person’s activity levels.” On an average, an American adult watch around five hours watching television in a day, the third most time-consuming activity after work and sleep. A good amount of time spent watching the television programs could result in wide array of conditions like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, Otten added.

The study involved 36 adults who weighed above the healthy range; watched the television for five hours daily. After the three observation weeks half of the participants watched 50 percent less television for three weeks, after the last week period, participants answered surveys about their diet. The group who watched 50 percent less television but didn’t reduce the calorie intake burnt 120 more calories as compared to the first group who watched television for five hours at a stretch. Otten informed, “The energy burned is equivalent to walking more than a mile. We don’t know how the short term changes will take into effect, but during longer term study, it could prevent the weight gain”. While Tom Robinson, MD, the Irving Schulman Endowed Professor in Child Health at Stanford’s School of Medicine, who was not involved in the study but has conducted TV studies in children said, “We are aware that as far as children were concerned one of the most valuable ways to prevent weight gain is to reducing time spent before television, so it is great to see the study like this involving adults.” The researchers concluded reducing television viewing ought to be further investigated as a method to reduce and avert obesity in adults.

Herbal Supplements:

Diet and Weight Loss Support
Super Fat Burner W/Garcinia
Fat burners

About HerbsPro.com
, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. Herbspro.com takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Exercise Therapy Best for Knee Pain, Study Finds

According to a new study published on bmj.com, patients undergoing severed knee pain can get relief from pain through supervised exercise therapy rather than getting improvement from general care and nutritional supplements containing glucosamine or chondroitin. The pain in knees often relates to a condition called Patellofemoral pain syndrome or runners knee. This pain arises at the front of the knee while pursuing an exercise or after the exercise. This pain could be seen in majority among adolescence women when they participate in sporting activities, during this condition doctors usually advice rest.

This Netherland based study, involved 131 patients in the age group of 14 and 40 years who had Patellofemoral pain syndrome for the last one year. The researcher found that participants who used exercise therapy showed less symptoms as compared to those who relied on rest and avoided strenuous activity. Patellofemoral pain is a widespread knee problem during which pain occurs under and around the kneecap in those patients who sit or stand for long time at one place or participate in strenuous activities.

Researchers point out that through exercise therapy muscles become stronger and flexible and thus reduce pain. In addition to this doctors also recommend icing the knee area for 10 to 20 minutes after each activity. Proper use of footwear also helps in reducing the pain.

There are several reasons behind knee pain. Sometimes when you get up in the morning, you find stiffness in knees while walking. This condition shows that there is some problem with the knees. But the good news is that knee usually responds to the treatment. Some common problems which cause knee pain include: being overweight. Overweight people are under the high risk of getting knee pain, unnecessary weight results in chronic knee pain and premature aging of your knees. This pain could be reduced while losing the weight. Exhaustion is also the reason behind the knee pain. Exercise and regular maintenance of good level of fitness is recommended. One of the home remedies usually advised during knee pain is application of ice at the affected area to minimize the pain. While icing ensure you didn’t have a burning sensation in the knee. Use of knee brace is also recommended to provide relief to the affected area as it provides stability to the affected area. Avoid strenuous activities. But athletes have an elevated risk of getting sudden knee injury like torn ligaments in the center of the knee or other fractures, which may lead to surgery of the affected area. However, in the extreme cases, people who have advanced knee osteoarthritis may require knee replacement surgery. This is however, an optional surgery and is a last resort if all fails. This happens in exceptional cases. The researchers concluded that further research is required in detail about the use of exercise therapy during knee pain.

Herbal Supplements:

Pain Relief
Pain Rescue Warm & Cool

Topricin Pain Cream Pump

About HerbsPro.com
, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. Herbspro.com takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Drinking coffee, decaf and tea regularly associated with a reduced risk of diabetes

Did you know that by the year 2025, around 380 million persons would have developed Type 2 diabetes? But according to an analysis through a previous study which was reported in the December 14/28 issues of Archives of Internal Medicine, JAMA, it has been revealed that people who drink more coffee or tea would lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Irrespective of various researches going on in this field, there are apprehensions that type 2 diabetes relates to obesity and physical inactivity. Still research is going on to know whether dietary and lifestyle factors are also responsible for Type 2 diabetes. Previous studies have thrown light on the fact that drinking coffee in excess helps reduce the risk of getting this diabetes, but with the current revelation of the analyses the information available has almost doubled.

Rachel Huxley, D.Phil, of The George Institute for International Health, University of Sydney, Australia, and colleagues are closely following the relationship between consuming coffee and its effect on Type 2 diabetes risk. They have identified 18 studies which included 457,922 participants involved in these studies in an effort to know the relationship between coffee consumption and Type 2 diabetes during the years 1966 and 2009.

Out of these six studies 225,516 involved individuals were provided decaffeinated coffee while seven studies had participants who were on tea consumption. After analyzing the data from these studies researcher found that every additional cup of coffee consumed in a day contributed to a 7 percent reduction in the additional risk of diabetes. A simple calculation revealed that people drinking three to four cups of coffee per day had around 25 percent lower risk than those who did not drink or drank two cups per day.

Regarding consumption of decaffeinated coffee, during the study those who drank three to four cups in excess per day contributed a one-third lower risk of diabetes as compared to those who did not drink at all. The authors of the study established that apart from caffeine other compounds or antioxidants found in coffee and tea like lignans or chlorogenic acids also provided the protective cover on getting diabetes.

According to the spokesperson for the European Society of Cardiology, Professor Lars Rydén (Sweden), the diabetes specialist infers the following advice: “This is a carefully researched and conducted study which has clearly established the correlation between the consumption of coffee and decreasing occurrence of diabetes. Above all, if you drink coffee whether decaffeinated or not you have less chance of developing diabetes. All the data compiled and researched has clearly established the fact. Sometimes there are claims that coffee drinking is harmful as it increase the tendency to cardiovascular disease, but there is no evidence around which could established that. The message is clear, drink coffee safely. But as Prof Rydén point out coffee helps, but overweight people should shred their weight by 5 to 10% and include physical activity to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Herbal supplements:

Diabetic Support
Completia Diabetic
Appetite & Weight Control

About HerbsPro.com

Herbspro.com, founded in 2004, is a leading direct-to-consumer online retailer with over 10000 products in vitamin, mineral, herbal, diet and natural cosmetic products. Herbspro.com takes pride in being able to offer these top brand products at a highly affordable price. Herbspro currently distributes products from over 1000 nationally renowned manufacturers.